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12th Mahaveer Award 2008
APOWA has received the prestigious 12thBhagwanMahaveer Award from BhagwanMahaveer Foundation, Chennai for excellence in the sphere of Non-Violence and Vegetarianism. The award was presented by the Hon'ble President of India, Her Excellency SmtPratibhaDevisinghPatil at RashtrapathiBhavan, New Delhi on 19th May 2008.
PrakutiMitra Award 2009
APOWA has awarded the “PrakutiMitra Award” by Dept. of Forest and Environment, Govt. of Odisha for outstanding work for protection of environment & conservation of natural resources. The hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha, Shree Naveen Patnaik presented this award on the occasion of World Environment day, 5th June 2009 at JaydevBhawan, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Niramaya Sannman 2009
APOWA has awarded with “NiramayaSannman” towards contribution for its noble services for the conservation of nature, development and propagation of naturopathy in the state of Odisha by International Naturopathy Organization and Orissa Yoga and Nature Cure Council, Cuttack, Odisha at S.C.B. Medical College Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha on 28th June 2009.
Rashtriya Swayamsiddh Samman 2015
APOWA has awarded with RashtriyaSwayamsiddhSamman instituted by JSPL Foundation, a non-profit CSR wing of Jindal Steel and Power Ltd for the year 2015-16.APOWA was awarded in the field ofenvironment.The award was presented by Mr Naveen Jindal &MrsShallu Jindal at New Delhi on dtd. 14th January, 2016.